Spock's inner eyelids slid closed, preventing him from seeing the android itself.
This is his imagination at work, a message that seems to be written on the screen of his own inner eyelid.
Brashieel closed his inner eyelids in concentration, and Colin waited patiently.
Vision was still darkened, but upon his inner eyelids he saw the Sigil imprinted in lines of fire.
Symptoms can include redness in the white of the eye or the inner eyelid.
His pop-set eyes seemed to glisten, and an inner eyelid dropped over them.
Dread waited for a long moment, then another window opened up against the blackness of his inner eyelids.
The Adigeons said something about having to install a protective inner eyelid.
Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid.
It requires cutting a piece of nerve from an inner eyelid.