Your sister has not the slightest innate power of commanding respect.
Perhaps it is the innate power of "Dark Meadow" that overcomes all.
The objects are not "charged" before use, but have the fate or innate power within them a priori.
He raised his beringed hand, drawing on its innate powers, using it to calm, to control.
Magic itself has an innate power to disrupt technology in the Dresdenverse.
Their innate magical powers let them cast spells as a 7th-level cleric.
Originally, he was described as having no innate powers, using a belt that allowed him to generate a force field and project electrical bolts.
Dragons also have some innate powers upon the element they are linked to.
I told myself I must be able to do this, it was an innate power.
Vierna reported great progress with his command of the innate powers.