I returned several more times over the years, sitting at the same table near a playroom where inmates spent time with their children.
The inmates spent their time in meditation and prayer.
The journey took thirteen hours, the whole of which the inmate spent bouncing around in complete darkness.
One report found that inmates who suffered from serious mental illnesses spent six and half times longer in disciplinary units than other inmates generally.
The inmates here spent their days building a railroad to nowhere, working on Stalin's grand illusion of a train across the Arctic.
The average time those inmates spent on death row was seven and a half years.
The Danish inmates spent three months in the camp, using the time to start construction of the barbed wire fence and watch towers.
On average, inmates who have not yet been tried spend four months in a cell.
Once released, these same inmates spend months trying to re-enroll in the Medicaid program and get care.
He said that almost 400 inmates are already on chain gangs, spending about 12 hours a day on the roads, working in shifts.