Runners with mechanical problems and often injured runners should also avoid these shoes, except perhaps for competitive racing.
Stephen Merchant (injured runner)
According to Morrow, she met Ruiz on the subway and together they walked a distance to the finishing area, where Ruiz identified herself as an injured runner.
A Harvard business school student named Steven said he bought an entry number for $100 from an injured runner.
Dennis Occhino, a Flushing native now living in Milford, Conn., watched anxiously as the sweep bus for injured runners chugged by.
The attendant was not helpful at first but became more accommodating once Christ persuaded him that Munji was an injured runner.
Watching the trains for their father's return, the children's new-found resourcefulness is put to use preventing a derailment and saving an injured cross-country runner.
See where the ichor is oozing ..." Her father had always talked as he worked on injured runners.
(Another trick, taught to me by an injured runner, also helped: anti-inflammatories chased with a triple espresso.)
"Obviously not having Tyrone and Rodney would be a great excuse for us," quarterback Dave Brown said of the injured runners.