There had been no change in his surroundings, save that the animals, except for the injured cat, were gone.
When she heard the low crying, she ignored the eyes and knelt beside the injured cat.
A convicted murderer declared himself an "animal lover" who would knock on doors to find the owner of an injured cat.
For example," Priicla resumed, "there is the incident with the injured cat.
Dealing with an injured cat can be tricky, especially when the cat is scared.
At this time of year, she says, she expects a rush of people bringing in injured cats.
The chaotic sounds outside rose to a higher pitch and the voice in with us started a low keening like an injured cat.
The scratched man with the injured cat came last of all.
Less restrained, she bared her teeth and bit his shoulder with a yowl like an injured cat.
Chest crushed, one leg nearly severed from its body, the injured cat was dying.