OK a couple of injudicious remarks but he's hardly out there slaughtering babies or "spit-roasting" groupies or even bad-mouthing his rivals, is he?
I shut my mouth grimly and turned my head away lest I be tempted into any more injudicious remarks.
I shut mN mouth grimly and turned mi head aNka lest I be tempted into any more injudicious remarks.
Jamie butted in before I could make any further injudicious remarks.
In May 1938, Yagüe was removed from his command and imprisoned for injudicious remarks he made in a speech at Burgos, critical of Franco.
I bit my tongue, repressing a number of more or less injudicious remarks that were bubbling toward the surface.
People recalled Sam's chagrin a few years earlier when Don, the State Assemblyman, made some injudicious remarks about women.
An injudicious remark now might destroy a God-sent opportunity.
She was contorted and screaming from the nerve whip that followed her injudicious remark.
"I'd rather not," she pleaded in a low voice, and it was hardly possible to have made a more injudicious remark if she had taken the whole afternoon to prepare.