Gasoline should only be used in an emergency because it does not properly lubricate the injector pump.
Also, most engines have a spill return system, by which any excess fuel from the injector pump and injectors is returned to the fuel tank.
The drive vacated by the injector pump was used to power a vacuum pump for the brake servo system.
The key difference was that the petrol engine retained its timing chain, since it lacked the need to drive an injector pump.
Composite solution is fed to the injector pump from a header tank.
The patient receives an intravenous injection of an iodine-containing contrast agent at a high-rate using an injector pump.
They are an aftermarket provider as well, producing fifty different types of injector pumps and nozzles.
Your vehicle probably has a faulty injector pump.
Check also that you are getting full movement on the injector pump when you push the throttle to the floor.
It uses a double row timing chain to drive the injector pump and cam.