Sekiguchi et al. (2009) demonstrated that administration of YKS ameliorated aggressive behavior in A beta injected mice.
Searching for a part-time job, he finds he lacks the stomach to inject mice with a carcinogen at a biology laboratory.
Back home, Clark found, to his delight, that by injecting malaria-infected mice with alloxan, a drug known to produce free oxygen radicals, he could reduce the level of parasitaemia dramatically.
So they've tried reverse proof by injecting rats and mice with a chemical that interferes with the process by which the RNA produces the protein molecule.
His last inspiration for general adaptation syndrome (GAS, a theory of stress) came from an endocrinological experiment in which he injected mice with extracts of various organs.
Researchers injected mice with melanoma cells.
He injected mice with bacteriophage and observed their immunological reactions and believed bacteriophages to be viruses.
Then, they injected mice with that amount of leptin.
Dr. Sweeney and his team injected mice with genes that resulted in muscles 15 to 30 percent larger than in other mice.
It has also been found that injecting spontaneously hypertensive mice with theanine significantly lowered levels of 5-hydroxyindoles in the brain.