This is made from powerful magic, constructed magic, to smother the venom injected into you by the conjured creatures.
They inject medication by intra-muscular way with needles, by the mouth or with an oxygen mask for respiratory problem.
The effect of the pancreatic extract injected into a normal animal by way of the blood.
When the chemfets injected into him by his father had first asserted their presence, Derec had thought that he was going insane.
It plans to inject some $50 billion into it by 2009 to increase production and build refineries.
First, they began injecting large doses of penicillin by vein to counter the Clostridia.
The Federal Reserve, as is usual, did not explain its action, which consisted of temporarily injecting money into the banking system by purchasing Treasury securities.
(Just injecting nicotine by itself would not elicit the antibodies.)
He may take his subjects seriously, but that does not prevent him from injecting humor by way of the titles.