Uchaguzi is a joint initiative spearheaded by Ushahidi in 2010 to monitor the Kenyan constitutional referendum.
After months of futility, negotiations seemed at the precipice of failure, but a last-minute initiative spearheaded by President Mbeki renewed hope of an agreement.
By the early 1960s, many of the Great Leap's economic policies were reversed by initiatives spearheaded by Liu, Deng, and Zhou Enlai.
One World International School, Singapore, is among various pioneering initiatives spearheaded by the Garodia Group.
This initiative, spearheaded by Joseph Caracappa, a Republican county legislator from Selden, has received $171,000 in financing from the county and $23,000 from a state legislative grant.
The bid was an employee-led initiative spearheaded by Daniel R. Bannister.
That initiative, spearheaded by Ian Jackson of the British Geological Survey, came under the IYPE banner in 2007.
Another significant initiative spearheaded by Teymourtash was the concerted effort to eliminate the complex web of capitulation agreements Iran had granted various foreign countries during the Qajar dynasty.
The film was drawn from the South Asia Region Development Marketplace (SAR DM), an initiative spearheaded by the World Bank.