The initiative, known as Operation Silent Night, is the city's most aggressive attack on noise since 1994.
While violence is down sharply, the two sides have taken only limited steps required under the initiative, known as the road map.
The Secret Service has a crime-monitoring initiative known as Operation 4-1-9.
The new initiative, known as the Gateway Workforce Development Program, began last fall.
The result of the debates and organizational progress made during these meetings was the initiative known as the Other Campaign.
The town is part of a regional initiative known as the Canal Towns Partnership.
To this end, they have placed an initiative, known as Proposal 1, on the state ballot.
This initiative, also known as microeconomic reform, has helped Australian manufacturing to grow from 10.1% in 1983-1984 to 17.8% in 2003-2004.
Victoria introduced a similar initiative known as the 2am Lockout in 2008.
If voters approve the initiative, known formally as Question 3, the state would raise $200 million by selling bonds.