A German initiative followed a month later, and if passed would represent a significant broadening of pay controls in Europe.
Other initiatives followed, reaching a climax between about 1525 and 1525.
The Canadian subsidiary said the initiative follows similar offers to manufacturing and development workers.
Congressman Hunter's initiatives for fiscal year 2010 are as follows:
California's initiative follows years of shrinking education budgets and years of declining student performance.
The success of today's meeting, several pilots said, will be judged less by what was said than by whether meaningful initiatives follow.
Further services and initiatives followed, and the organization continues to advance the interested of Canadian songwriters.
I would like to see such initiatives encouraged and followed in other areas across Europe.
Costa Rica's latest initiative, announced last month, follows a now-familiar pattern.
Over the years, more initiatives followed, including construction of several new office buildings and a second downtown parking structure.