To place an issue on the ballot, most initiative campaigns hire signature gatherers who are paid upward of $3 a signature.
In 1997, Broder traveled to the West Coast to cover the initiative campaigns there.
In an initiative campaign, there is the possibility that the majority will be voting on the rights of minorities.
In Montana, for example, there is already a bill to limit individual contributions to initiative campaigns to $75.
His long tenure and powerful position were used as a focal point of California's initiative campaign to limit the terms of state legislators, which passed in 1990.
An initiative campaign placed the approval of the laws on the ballot, and they were defeated in a statewide vote.
He has worked with numerous clients in state and local races as well as on initiative campaigns.
Donald Gallagher, an expert on direct mail who is running the right-to-die initiative campaign, says it has been in debt since it began last year.
In his early career, Jay was a political campaign manager on congressional, gubernatorial and state-wide initiative campaigns.
But statewide initiative campaigns require millions of dollars, and such efforts in larger states like California may be beyond their proponents' resources.