Repowering initiatives stalled after KeySpan announced its merger with National Grid, which is still pending.
Another citizens' initiative announced this week, supported by several civil rights and religious groups, aims to identify Germans willing to defend Jews and foreigners from attack.
This fall, the the initiative announced that it was proposing six possible technologies, most of which used a technique called watermarking.
Time for an Update To be sure, the initiative announced yesterday amounts to little more than a study, and without the beginnings of an economic upturn no one expects immediate results.
An initiative announced yesterday by HewlettPackard will seek to bring Internet access to poor people in developing markets across the globe.
In 2010, the initiative announced the hiring of its first full-time manager.
The only initiative announced was to ask the Board of Legislators for $25 million over five years to enhance open spaces.
In June 2005, the initiative announced grants for 43 new projects, attracting international partners.
The first legislative initiative announced in the communication has already been issued: a proposal for a framework decision that includes measures to combat child pornography.
The initiative announced today is designed to blunt the economic impact of curtailing the crop.