Three initiatives address Westchester's expected boom in its elderly population.
Environmentalists said the initiative did not address the real problem of the fires in Summerhaven, which was the need for more money.
The lower carbon footprint supports many state goals and initiatives to address climate change impacts.
Other working groups and initiatives address particular issues.
The initiative will address issues including health care, preschool education, creation of jobs and the gap in computer use between the rich and the poor.
"I mean programs: initiatives to address the needs of the inhabitants of these islands."
The initiative does not address how school systems might finance increases in enrollment.
In 2002, Franklin announced an initiative called "Clean Water Atlanta" to address the problem and begin improving the city's sewer system.
Internally, we will continue to emphasize initiatives to address our two major management challenges: human capital and information technology.
While these initiatives do address the skills challenges facing the nation, the reality is that they are geared toward producing professionals, not citizens.