The devotion was initiated shortly before Dupont's death and later influenced Saint Therese of Lisieux.
The reform process was initiated in 2000 shortly after the first management contract covering the capital Yerevan was signed.
Ms. Liipfert said she had not reviewed the commission report completely, but based on her understanding of it, many of its recommendations were initiated after Con Edison's own investigation shortly after the accident.
The concept of the coat check was initiated by Albert Behar in the New York area shortly after the Depression.
Though signed by Twachtman's son, John Alden, the canvas may well have been initiated by the father shortly before his death in 1902.
This may be more likely when IFN-alpha has been initiated shortly after another therapy.
Efforts to restore the library were initiated shortly after its seizure.
Further south, action was initiated shortly after 8 p.m., as the 2nd Scots Guards' Reconnaissance Platoon carried out a diversionary attack, advancing with four Blues and Royals Scorpion light tanks.
Trade was initiated shortly after Vasco da Gama arrived in India in 1498, but the Portuguese were initially not interested in converting the locals.