LAN parties also look to initiate new members, and many fathers will bring sons.
Within their professional field of study, their membership is exclusive; however, they may initiate members who belong to other types of fraternities.
For most of its history, the group initiated members based on positions held.
By the early 1880s "most" divisions initiated members with "no distinction on account of color."
Last year, Federal law-enforcement authorities said the family had about 250 "made" or initiated members and about 500 associates.
Jones instructed the students on how to initiate new members, and by the end of the day the movement had over 200 participants.
It imposes a grade requirement on new members and initiated members.
During the winter, there is a four-day, complex dance that serves to initiate new members of Hamatsa.
All the newly initiated members of this group will crowd round the Omodanmi to make it invisible to the onlookers.
They were introduced as a cult-like organization best known for its extreme brutality and harsh ways to initiate new members, willing or not, to their cause.