NBC has gained a reputation for initiating several innovations in recent years, including condensing the credits at the end of programs, and clustering commercials in the middle of shows.
To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) etc.
While black artists like King Oliver and Chuck Berry initiated musical innovations from jazz to blues-based rock, the public recognition and economic benefits due them evaporated, while derivative white artists like Benny Goodman and Elvis Presley reaped huge artistic and financial rewards.
He also initiated innovations in computerization, social infrastructure and urban renewal.
The Associated Banks of Europe Corporation (ABECOR) was founded in Brussels in 1972 by ABN Bank and three other banks keen to initiate innovations in banking.
It initiated numerous innovations in Australian law schools, such as the establishment of Faculty-run Community Legal Centres, staffed by undergraduate law students as part of their degrees.
Moreover, Pfefer initiated numerous innovations, including such novelties as feature tag team bouts and midget wrestling; and he even introduced the blood capsule, which was used to create a greater illusion of violence and gore within matches.
The school administrators have initiated several innovations; one of which is the construction of a mock hotel that will house the HRM students for their practicum.
He initiated several innovations around the new land use and experimentation marketing and technical issues related to the business of bank with a Bank 2.0.
The award, presented by Pacific Business News, recognized the Health Center for maintaining a positive financial position for many years by continuously increasing productivity, developing revenue generating services, initiating technological innovations and promoting community involvement.