The term thermonuclear refers to the high temperatures required to initiate fusion.
Koga attempted to initiate fusion of Western jazz and Japanese dodoitsu.
A star is that glowing celestial body that derives its energy from its great mass initiating and maintaining nuclear fusion.
They could include planets, black holes and "brown dwarfs" - gaseous objects like Jupiter too small to initiate fusion.
Objects that are too small lack the internal pressure to initiate thermonuclear fusion, which is what causes a star to shine.
The vibrations, they said, collapsed tiny gas bubbles in the liquid, heating them to millions of degrees, hot enough to initiate fusion.
These muons allow atoms to get much closer and thus reduce the kinetic energy required to initiate fusion.
The central mass became increasingly hot and dense, eventually initiating thermonuclear fusion in its core.
The tricky part is heating the atoms to the millions of degrees needed to initiate fusion and keeping the superhot gas confined.
The idea is to get the hydrogen hot enough to initiate fusion.