It initially withheld release of the full report to the public and took its time to consider it.
Both the Duchess and her husband Richard Bertie first opposed the marriage, and the Queen initially withheld her consent.
When Mexico initially withheld the recantations by witnesses, arguing they were not valid under Mexican law, Mr. Curiel said that decision was appropriate.
The screening committee initially withheld approval for another film denouncing apartheid, "A Dry White Season," based on the novel by Mr. Brink.
As a result, the following clubs had a punishment reprieve after having prize money initially withheld:
As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Sumner initially withheld his opinion on the treaty on January 18, 1870.
The Soviet bloc agreed in principle to the Western demand for equal ceilings on NATO and Soviet-bloc ground equipment, while initially withholding important details.
But I believe that when she explains to you why she initially withheld some information from police, you will understand.
The Knicks initially withheld the $40 million owed to Brown, but they paid him $18.5 million in a settlement last month.
Congress initially withheld 25,000 allowances a year to be sold for $1,500 each, plus inflation.