Roxy, initially unimpressed with Rob, soon falls for him after there is a spark between the two.
She is initially unimpressed, but after Yolande arranges a meal between them, they decide to start a relationship.
Raymond Weaver, its first editor, was initially unimpressed and described it as "not distinguished".
Although the band members were initially unimpressed with the song, they eventually agreed to begin rehearsing and demoing it.
Although Eun-ha is initially unimpressed, she is eventually won over by his kindhearted nature, and the two get married.
Though she was initially unimpressed with him, Howe courted her assiduously for two years, and the couple became engaged in 1898, marrying the following year.
Liz and Sue had been looking forward to being free of adult supervision while their father was away, so they're initially unimpressed with the idea.
The Stylistics auditioned for Bell, but he was initially unimpressed.
Though unimpressed initially, Rick saw potential in Jackson and passed a number of opportunities his way to help him further his craft.
Initially unimpressed with Aya, since she only displays her jujutsu.