Initially underestimating Shiva, Batman soon learns that her skills are such that she could kill him, and begins to fight in earnest.
They admit that they initially underestimated the difficulties they faced and were forced to drastically cut their investment plans in 1997.
Attorney General Bates, who initially underestimated Lincoln, soon echoed Seward's favorable opinions.
Never having heard the piece and initially underestimating its difficulty, Leighton agreed to do it.
The engine was equipped with hydraulic lifters and two bolt main bearing caps, leading some to initially underestimate the 340's potential.
The state radio initially underestimated the death toll, apparently one reason for the Government's failure to send relief workers and supplies immediately.
The British initially underestimated the numbers and strength of the Indonesian people who banned together for their cause, but would leave the battle with fewer casualties.
Politicans initially underestimated the crisis and did too little.
He said Con Ed initially underestimated how widespread the problem was because so few customers called to complain about a disruption.
Militants in the opposition now admit that they initially underestimated General Noriega's tenacity.