Ms. Ghent's older brother, Reginald Clarke, 62, said the steel gates had initially thwarted the firefighters from reaching the couple.
Her first wedding, planned as an elopement, was initially thwarted by a Nevada law forbidding marriage between whites and Asians.
Mr. Tyrol and Mr. Israel, initially thwarted in their attempts to learn from existing distilleries, are essentially self-taught.
Attempts to use the navy to take over the key Pilín León tanker were initially thwarted by a lack of a qualified crew.
As the filmmaker begins his footwork, he finds other readers who were initially thwarted by favorite novels.
His desire to follow a career in filmmaking was initially thwarted.
While at Re Albi, Tenar is confronted by the local lord's wicked mage, Aspen, who attempts to put a curse on her, but is initially thwarted.
The mob was initially thwarted, but on October 17, while Dolby awaited transportation from the jail to the courthouse, the riots intensified.
Although Ruby's thoughts of a career as a singer were initially thwarted in 1926 by Bessie's insistence, Ruby continued to travel with Bessie on tour.
After this was initially thwarted by the opposition of Bavaria, the deterioration of Germany's relations with France caused Bavaria to revise the proposal.