Melissa initially submitted Danger for the win, but the decision was reversed when she refused to let go of the hold after the match.
The novel cannibalized several key scenes from the stories which had been initially submitted to the publisher.
Mr. Tomanovic said he had initially submitted a list of 1,400 witnesses to the court.
But the extent to which Starks initially submits to his punishment is absurd.
Waltheof initially submitted to William I and was allowed to keep his lands.
The claims were initially submitted to the International Journal of Astrobiology, which rejected the paper.
The work was initially submitted to the Salon in Paris in 1882, but was not accepted.
The inhabitants initially submitted docilely to the process of Hispanization and Spanish civil authority was soon in place.
After arriving in Morocco, they initially submitted to the Almohads, the ruling dynasty at the time.
Q11) If I want to sell my product immediately, is it acceptable to initially submit an incomplete product report?