There are no plans to kill the character off, as initially speculated.
It was initially speculated that this condition may have played a part in his death.
Officials of the association initially speculated that radical environmentalists might be involved in the bombing.
It was initially speculated that Cooley would miss the remainder of the 2009 season.
Authorities initially speculated that this same boy had been a murder victim at Wineville.
When questioned by the media, medical authorities initially speculated that a "coffin birth" might have occurred.
The authors initially speculated that it would have been possible for Anchiornis to fly or glide.
Aides had initially speculated that Mr. Bush might leave the ranch and return to Austin several days ago.
He said they initially speculated that the mild winter was a factor, but figures showed that attendance increases were highest in the spring and summer months.
The film Super 8 was initially speculated to be either a sequel or prequel to Cloverfield, but this was quickly denied by Abrams.