However, he was a late addition to the episode and up until "The Sword of Kahless" all the previous episodes had been initially scripted prior to the confirmation that Michael Dorn would be joining the show.
Mr. Humphries at first refused to work on "G.I. Jane," he said, because of what he called the "preposterous nature of the story as it was initially scripted."
Arthur was initially scripted to be an extremely depressed character, which stemmed from his inability to find employment and provide sufficiently for his family.
The scene where Michael Myers drives a car while wearing a different kind of mask was initially scripted to have him wear a Ronald Reagan mask.
Elis was initially only scripted to appear in three episodes, but the producers liked the portrayal and his contract was extended.
His new stories here were initially scripted by Lee and illustrated by the seldom-seen team of penciler Steve Ditko and inker George Roussos.
This new Hulk feature was initially scripted by Lee, with pencils by Steve Ditko and inks by George Roussos.
According to Sara Bibel, Dante was initially scripted as lead character with a strong sense on what is right and what is wrong.
Gina was initially scripted to embrace and kiss Baltar.
This new Hulk feature was initially scripted by writer-editor Lee and illustrated by the team of penciller Steve Ditko and inker George Roussos.