The semiconductor index rose initially and then fell before rising again.
The stock rose initially but lost as much as 94 percent of its value at one point.
Its stock, which fell 68 cents, to $17.64 in regular trading, initially rose after hours, but then returned to the level of the market close.
After rising initially, the shares are down 13.6 percent from their 52-week high, on Oct. 21.
As expected, blood sugar initially rose in both groups and about three hours later began to fall.
While government revenue initially rose as oil prices soared, production soon slumped.
The rate cut caught the financial markets off guard, and the dollar initially rose against the German mark.
They initially rose to fame during the 1980s, but have had continued success in the 1990s and 2000s.
The stock rose initially yesterday before closing down 34, at 7,464 lire.
Although the program's ratings rose initially, they later dropped.