After initially just pushing their beds into the center of the room, they began developing a plan for separate bedrooms.
Dealers initially pushed prices lower, after the release of personal income and consumption data that showed much bigger gains than had been anticipated.
Although the French initially pushed the English back, they became so closely packed that they are described as having trouble using their weapons properly.
The land-owners initially pushed for granting the peasants freedom but not any land.
Investors initially pushed the Dow Jones industrial average closer to its record high, set in 2000, but not by much.
Despite suffering heavy casualties, de la Mothe ordered a second attack, which initially pushed the allied first line back.
Cameron initially pushes back but, threatened with his job, he concedes.
The 395th initially pushed the Germans back with machine guns, small arms, mortar fire, and hand-to-hand combat.
The troops initially pushed Rebel forces back, but not away from the bridge.
Shoup's opposition to the war increased over time; he initially pushed for a negotiated settlement but later supported a unilateral pullout from the country.