Despite the initially promising results from studies of primates, some scientists doubt that calorie restriction can ever work effectively in humans.
But the fourth, after an initially promising lift-off, suddenly arced down and exploded in the Hippodrome itself.
The result were initially promising, but bad harvests and palace intrigues led to his downfall.
However, efforts in the north to dislodge the Northern Han, while initially promising, were ineffective.
However follow up experiments reported by Albert Sabin and Jungeblut himself were unable to confirm the initially promising results.
Preliminary clinical trials were initially promising, but the drug was ultimately unsuccessful.
While initially promising, this technology/concept did not prove acceptable.
A little more experimentation and some honest self-examination would have made it obvious that the initially promising results were murky at best.
These were initially promising, with one district governor, Mehmed Kemal, being hanged on April 10.
While initially promising, financial difficulties and other problems quickly beset the project.