Hestax had initially prescribed rest, liquids, and constant attention.
In the days after the first recent anthrax case was diagnosed in Florida, many private doctors initially prescribed 60 days' worth of Cipro for people who demanded the medicine, Bayer said.
Pharmacists are forced to act more like salesmen than medical professionals, he said, because they are rewarded or penalized based on whether they can persuade doctors to substitute a cheaper drug for the one that was initially prescribed.
In the days leading up to his death, Puller fought a losing battle with the alcoholism that he had kept at bay for 13 years, and struggled with a more recent addiction, to painkillers initially prescribed to dull continuing pain from his wounds.
In pronator teres syndrome, specifically, immobilization of the elbow and mobility exercise within a pain-free range are initially prescribed.
The investigation found that the drugs received at the pharmacy by consumers, especially those in managed care plans, "are increasingly not the ones initially prescribed or desired by their doctors."
Although tobacco was initially prescribed as medicine, further study led to claims that smoking caused dizziness, fatigue, dulling of the senses, and a foul taste/odour in the mouth.
A trend towards all-seater stadiums was initially prescribed by the Taylor Report, and was originally a condition only of Premier League admission.
"This medication was initially prescribed to soothe excruciating pain that I was suffering after recent reconstructive surgery in my scalp."
The 21 mpg standard was initially prescribed for model year 1985, but was amended to 19.5 mpg before the start of that model year Page 4 GAO/OGC-96-11 330.