To begin with, women were initially paid two-thirds of what a man at the same level made.
And they are coming back to regulators with offers to pay far less than what was put on the table initially.
Will people who initially paid for online access go on paying?
Truman initially paid a heavy political price for taking on the popular general.
This means that they might pay for nursing home care out of pocket initially.
The association would initially pay the city $400,000 a year base rent, up from $280,000, and 1 percent of all revenues over $25 million.
Under the President's proposal, people in this age group would initially pay premiums of $300 a month.
I told her to set the percentages so that the manager is initially paid at the level of a full commander.
US officials initially paid little attention, not sending a resident ambassador to the country until 1943.
The town initially paid $3,000 per month plus expenses; that was increased in August 2005 to $3,500.