The family and doctors were initially optimistic, and she stopped smoking at the insistence of her daughter.
An anonymous person calls in the accident, and Mark is transported to the hospital, where, after an initially optimistic prognosis, he falls into a coma.
While initially optimistic of being able to at least retain second place, the PC's support had dropped badly in the final weeks of the campaign.
There is no timeline on his return, and even he admits he's not initially optimistic.
Raimi was not initially optimistic about the talents of the Coen brothers.
Initially optimistic about this, Prunelle slowly realizes that he cannot win.
She said the group was initially optimistic after discussing the project with the current owner, local bankers and contractors.
Doctors were initially optimistic about a partial recovery, but later retracted these statements.
Initially optimistic about recovery, Williams withdrew because she was struggling to move normally after practice on Sunday.
Initially optimistic about his work in the District, Rundle was slowly demoralized on several fronts.