The island of Lombok was initially inhabited by the Sasak, who adopted Islam in the 16th century.
The plains of Houran appear to have been initially inhabited by small bands of hunters and gatherers.
The area was initially inhabited by the Nipmuck and Mohegan tribes, with the Quinebaug River dividing their territories.
Initially inhabited by the Turrbal people, The Gap was originally heavily forested.
Warren was initially inhabited by Native Americans of the Seneca nation.
Inhabited initially as an oyster company's base of operations.
The lands were initially inhabited by Toba and Wichí (Mataco) aboriginals.
It was initially inhabited by the colonial government of Pennsylvania as its State House, from 1732 to 1799.
The cities were initially inhabited by the Hittites, then later by early Christians as hiding places.
The Liverpool Plains were initially inhabited by Aborigines.