Bob is initially impressed with Monica, as she has an ability that the Company has not seen before.
Erin is initially impressed with both of them, but winds up awkwardly sneaking out of the room as they play.
Despite Williams' status as a rising star, Rivers was not impressed with the financial terms on offer and initially declined.
Smith was initially impressed by McCarthy's accusations of Communists working in the State Department, but became disillusioned after McCarthy failed to provide any evidence to validate his charges.
I think the tracking data would have made it less likely for editors initially impressed by Mr. Blair to promote him to the national desk assignments, where his fabrication and plagiarism eventually flourished.
Zosimus was initially impressed by Caelestius' confessions of faith.
Geronio enters timidly and Selim is initially impressed by his unexpected meekness, however Narciso noisily scolds Geronio.
Macready had been initially impressed by Tudor and thought he was getting rid of "incompetent idiots" from senior police positions.
Investors were initially impressed by the life sciences concept, including the innovative biotechnology.
To hear executives tell it, many were initially impressed by the President's commitment to cut the deficit.