The Rampart investigation, based mainly on statements of the admitted corrupt officer (Pérez), initially implicated over 70 officers of wrongdoing.
During the interviews of the Green Vega Gang members, one gang member initially implicated another gang member, who he said told him he was involved and gave information as to a beltway homicide.
The United Nations investigation initially implicated high-level Lebanese and Syrian security officers in Hariri's killing.
But even as it has moved vigorously in other instances, the Attorney General's office has stuck to its account that police officers initially implicated in the Quijano case were blameless.
Though initially implicated in the allegations that led to the Lynskey tribunal in 1948, he was ultimately exonerated.
These linkage studies initially implicated the long arm of chromosome 7, and sequence analyses specifically targeted two susceptibility loci at the regions of 7q21.3 and 7q32.2.
According to investigators and legal experts, McQueary was initially not implicated in any wrongdoing because he fulfilled his legal obligation to report the incident to his immediate supervisor, Paterno.
Parker, while initially implicated in Lucina's murder, was only charged with "conducting a house of ill fame."
So far, 9 of the total of 21 officers initially implicated in the scandal have left the police force, either because they resigned or were found guilty at police administrative hearings, prosecutors said.
A black man, Solomon Marable, who was seen flashing $20 bills a couple of days after the murder, initially implicated the three black women.