(Each of the three equations that makes up this vector equation expresses the symmetry of the second spatial derivatives, which is how the condition was initially formulated.)
Budget requests are initially formulated by each agency on an annual basis for the upcoming year for which the Congress needs to make appropriations.
The tower embodies the Miesian aesthetic through which the Modern's design department's taste was initially formulated.
There is probably no single reference that lists all the pharmaceutical variations of laudanum that were created and used in different countries during centuries since it was initially formulated.
The Djiboutian educational system was initially formulated to cater to a limited pupil base.
The hierarchies in figurative art are those initially formulated for painting in 16th century Italy, which held sway with little alteration until the early 19th century.
Initially formulated to define a strategy for interpreting sophisticated written and visual works, deconstruction has entered everyday language.
Although the Einstein field equations were initially formulated in the context of a four-dimensional theory, some theorists have explored their consequences in n dimensions.
The Howard Government's responses to the question of how to recount Australian history were initially formulated in the context of Paul Keating's characterisation of the subject.
The requirements for private equity, as they were initially formulated, would have placed even listed companies under a definite disadvantage.