Polanski fled initially to London on 1 February 1978, where he maintained a residence.
Smith initially fled across the Mississippi River, but shortly returned and surrendered to Ford.
The police searching the area after the shooting found a handgun on the roof of the building, where witnesses said the boy initially fled.
Giáp's troops initially fled, only to come back and continue fighting.
Now a fugitive, he fled initially to Tübingen with his family.
Although the king initially fled his capital, his army defeated the force that approached along the ground in Matale.
He shaved off his moustache and fled initially to Venice.
The king of Kamrupa initially fled but returned back to give fight.
The disease struck the city between the time the Spaniards fled initially and when they returned to complete their conquest.
He initially fled in his car but quickly returned, attempting to shoot the officers as he drove past.