We requested smears that had not been initially examined at our cytology department for review, and our cytologist's readings were definitive.
After his death, Ahmed's body was moved to Bahrain International hospital where he was initially examined.
Two 8-h wild-type time courses, and two 8-h actA time courses were initially examined.
The potential for exploiting geothermal energy in the United Kingdom on a commercial basis was initially examined by the Department of Energy in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis.
The idea was examined initially by the incoming Conservative government in the Industrial Policy Group at the Treasury.
The crew's bodies were initially examined by senior medical officer, Rick Jolly.
When you were examined initially, and when you report for the immortality treatments, I tap your memories.
Both stoichiometric and catalytic variants were initially examined with zirconocene bis(amido) complexes.
Data were examined initially using the Francia and Shapria W' test of normality.
Mrs. Bush, 65 years old, was examined initially by the White House physician, Dr. Lawrence Mohr, and then taken by ambulance to Washington County Regional Hospital in Hagerstown, Md.