Critics of evolution have long challenged proponents to explain how animals initially evolved complex organs such as eyes, hands, or feathered wings.
A classic example is how feathers, which initially evolved for heat regulation, were co-opted for display, and later co-opted for use in bird flight.
For instance, that feathers evolved initially for thermal regulation may help to explain some of their features unrelated to flight (Buss et al., 1998).
Scales possibly evolved initially for providing insulation.
Island populations are small and exhibit low genetic variability (see founder effect), but are isolated from the predators and competitors that they initially evolved with.
The genre initially evolved separately in the United Kingdom, Japan, and North America, afterward gradually merging into a unified worldwide tradition.
Lightwater Valley was founded by Robert Staveley and initially evolved from a small farm attraction.
Afro-textured hair may have initially evolved because of an adaptive need (amongst humanity's hominid ancestors) for protection against the intense UV radiation of Africa.
He helped me shape the story as circumstances evolved and provided me with a technical bit that actually inspired a twist I hadn't initially envisioned.
Computer-aided process planning initially evolved as a means to electronically store a process plan once it was created, retrieve it, modify it for a new part and print the plan.