Micropayments were initially devised as a way of allowing the sale of online content and were envisioned to involve small sums of only a few cents.
It was initially devised as a plan to increase the enrollment without enlarging campus accommodations, and has been described as "a way to put 4,000 students into 3,000 beds."
The renormalization group was initially devised in particle physics, but nowadays its applications extend to solid-state physics, fluid mechanics, cosmology and even nanotechnology.
While these tactics were not initially devised by Chichester, he carried them out ruthlessly, gaining a hate-figure status among the Irish.
In 1987 Forward was revamped as Christian Research Journal, which was initially devised as a tri-yearly publication.
The format was initially devised and made possible by Allen Stanford as a part of his (private) plan to bring West Indian cricket back to life.
It was initially devised by electronic engineers for testing printed circuit boards using boundary scan and is still widely used for this application.
Bitsa was initially devised and written by Peter Charlton and Paul Goddard, who himself operated the character of Hands.
The weekly event was initially devised by Garofalo and Maron, who later helped create the radio network Air America Radio.
This method was initially devised and utilized in Interstate Highway construction initiated by the Eisenhower administration during the 1950s.