When no clear cause of death could be initially determined, Vanessa suspended the pair until the matter was resolved.
The half-life of this decay was initially determined at 17 hours, which was close to the presently accepted value of 16.02 h.
The epicenter, with the depth of 611 km, was initially determined to be 6.793 degrees north latitude and 123.603 degrees east longitude.
While initially determined to face the court, Valentine changes his mind when Duvalier offers to take him in as a Cat.
He is initially determined to kill Angel, but slowly comes to accept him and join his cause.
I had initially determined to write a biography of Jansch shortly after graduating in modern history in 1989.
The intercalary month is still the second Adar, initially determined by agricalutral observations in Israel.
The Office agrees that the restored copyright vests initially in the author as determined by the law of the source country of the work.
Carter is initially determined to apprehend Reese, but eventually forms an alliance with him and Finch.
The cause of the blasts was initially determined two days after the blast: the accident site is a nitration unit for aniline equipment.