A girl who was initially depicted as being madly in love with Sora after being rescued by her though this turned out to be an act.
Initially depicted as a Hungarian paranormals expert, but later appears to be more than that.
Similarly, Fred is initially depicted as a man who, if not always ethically or culturally sensitive, has the wisdom of experience and significant street smarts.
He was initially depicted as a bearded yet youthful gentleman.
He is initially depicted as a mindless automaton, and is controlled by the evil Seatopians for most of the film.
They are initially depicted as holding urban legend status and regarded as fictional by most members of the public.
Although he was initially depicted as a five year old boy, later messages portrayed him as a grown up.
He is initially depicted as angry and hard to like, and Chip works to help him and bring him around.
She was initially depicted as cold-hearted, and Kylie often assumed she didn't love her, until she proved otherwise.
Klaatu is initially depicted as a radiant focus of sentient light.