The total fuel load of 452 gallons was initially deemed appropriate for the type.
McGonagle added "We have no affirmative responsibility I am aware of to further check on their status after they are initially deemed to be eligible."
Gasoline powered internal combustion engines were initially deemed too unreliable, noisy, dirty, hard to start, and difficult to shift.
Hold Your Fire was initially deemed a commercial disappointment in comparison to other Rush albums (though it went platinum in the 90s).
The course, which met for 20 hours each week, was initially deemed an acceptable alternative to a workfare job assignment.
A letter, dated April 24, 1978, was initially deemed authentic, but was declared a hoax less than three months later by three experts.
For 2010-11 he was initially deemed second-choice, to newly-signed Gustavo Munúa.
It was initially deemed a suicide attempt, but Owens said it was accidental.
But she fell for Otto Preminger, the film's director, who had initially deemed her much too ladylike for the role.
For every outbreak of violence, there are less publicized instances of places where violence was initially deemed inevitable but never broke out.