Following his loss to Aldo, his third loss in a championship fight, Florian initially contemplated retirement from active competition.
"Growing our resource base to a scale sufficient to accommodate our real estate aspirations has proven far more difficult than we initially contemplated," Mr. Johnson wrote in part.
Though Dokes initially contemplated retirement, he returned in late 1991 to win his next nine fights before landing the fight with Bowe.
Confronted by a deadlock situation, Punitha initially contemplates suicide but decides to live and have the baby.
Following that disgrace and humiliation, Newton initially contemplated murdering the captain and then committing suicide by throwing himself overboard.
Though she initially contemplated returning to Italy, Jane remained in England though she described it as a "vile country".
"Beckett initially contemplated setting Film in the evening, but had to decide against it for a practical reason: 'to remove all possibility of his putting off light in room.'"
In Part V, the narrator reaches a contemplative end to his/her meditation, initially contemplating the arts ("Words" and "music") as they relate to time.
Gordon, with some persuasion from Emily decides to have his mother buried in Weatherfield after initially contemplating London.
And while almost all of the original long-term plans initially contemplated incineration, at least three of the authorities now plan to recycle their sludge.