The crimes initially centered on east Sacramento where at least fifty women were sexually assaulted between June 18, 1976 and July 5, 1979.
Initially centered on the Atlantic coast, it ended up covering much of occupied France and Belgium.
Though the investigation initially centered on Mr. Galloway, it soon cast a much wider net.
These regional complexes, initially centered around a drama company, were also financed in part by municipal and regional authorities.
Food aid began in 1997, initially centered on delivering food but increasingly becoming oriented towards agricultural rehabilitation and production.
The discussion about the causes of the gender gap in wages initially centered around economic theories, especially human capital theory.
Even discussions of Mr. Cosby's show in news articles initially centered on whether his was a "real" black family.
Suspicions initially centered around the bomber having been the bodyguard of an MP.
Facing laws and rules addressing everything from advertisements to board composition, most fund companies initially centered their compliance efforts in the legal department.
Suspicion initially centered on carrier panels because of tests in a radar laboratory conducted over the last few weeks.