The Red Army's initial strategic withdrawal relegated the armoured forces to a secondary role.
Let denote the number of withdrawals made during the period and assume merely for the sake of convenience that the initial withdrawal of money also incurs this cost.
Costas's final words, "Take care of the baby," to Sipowicz leads to his initial withdrawal from the squad.
Other than this initial withdrawal, your offender's daily routine would not have been altered significantly.
This initial withdrawal is characterized by the body attempting to regain homeostasis as a result of the brain's lack of opioid receptor activity.
Tonight, he said he hoped that Israel's initial withdrawals from Palestinian areas would be "the beginning of a full withdrawal."
Even a "meaningful" initial withdrawal, as Washington defines it, may be a difficult standard for Mr. Netanyahu to meet.
On that basis, the initial withdrawal from a portfolio worth $1 million would be just $40,000.
The traditional advice that calls for an initial withdrawal of 4 percent is based on several assumptions.
In particular, the initial withdrawal is related to the prior standard of living of the retiree, not just the withdrawal that is reasonably sustainable.