According to news reports, 40 guests from the Panama hotel had been taken and released in an initial wave of hostage taking.
But after that initial wave, the expected deluge never came.
By about 1200 the initial wave of cross building came in to an end in Ireland.
In Acre, five people died as they went out from a shelter to look around after an initial wave of rockets.
One local official estimated the initial wave of tremors lasted 15 minutes.
As a result there was relatively little impact from the initial wave of folk electrification in the 1970s.
The initial wave passed and she tried to roll onto her left side.
In all, more than 8,000 Germans were killed in this initial wave of killings.
The initial wave took place in July, 2008, which infected an estimated 1,000 - 2,000 pages.
The initial wave was not hit by Japanese fire for quite some time.