But those on each side of the dispute acknowledge that it was only an initial skirmish in a wider struggle.
Before yesterday, I had caught myself looking forward to this initial skirmish.
Following the initial skirmishes, Klenau's force was still 17,000 men strong and it now occupied a strong position.
After initial skirmishes in 1642, there was an attempt by Cheshire gentry to keep the county neutral during the civil war.
After an initial skirmish with four Avengers, the teams unite to stop a common threat.
After some initial skirmishes, Jane takes a liking to Richard.
The townsmen win the initial skirmish, but Papagayo is not among the dead.
The initial skirmishes took place in the early morning hours of August 1, 1941.
After some initial skirmishes, the only serious difference they have is over his bluntly negative response to the completed "Persuasion."
Shadow could see an initial skirmish had taken place.