Beneath her initial shyness there was always an element of self-assurance that was to become increasingly important.
The usual initial shyness, he trying to be the big man, she laughing up her sleeve at him.
After some initial shyness, strangers spoke easily to each other.
Her initial shyness could be attributed to the fact that she was teased in the 30th-century for not having any Senshi powers.
Actually, once she got over her initial shyness the girl did most of the talking.
As passengers overcame an initial shyness the floor had begun to fill with dancing couples, the captain among them.
Graciela's initial shyness was wearing off, revealing a surprisingly self-confident young woman.
Once his initial shyness fled, he kept up a steady chatter, even among the horse's restlessness.
After some initial shyness, Chauncey attempted to straddle both rooms, moving back and forth from the kitchen to the den every few minutes.
Once the initial shyness had passed it proved to be a most affectionate animal.