However, after the initial showing of the film Brian insisted that the band's performance be cut from the film.
But the unheard of happened during the initial showings of the film, Michael Moore's angry documentary about President Bush.
The initial showing had an Appreciation Index of 88: considered excellent.
The team did not improve from its initial poor showings until Vodičková got a running mate inside, Australian Lauren Jackson.
Beyond the initial showing of the work, the projects by the Hackney Flashers have been included in several major exhibitions in recent years.
After the initial showing on Channel 4, and in its initial showings on U.S. television, an alternative introduction was sometimes used.
The initial showing of this for random shows was a bug in the software.
But Mr. Poltrack said the initial showing of the two Thursday shows validated the idea of summer tryouts.
On initial showings, Ms. Baum said, buyers are allowed to see only the first five floors of the property.
Both figures were for only the initial weekly showings on Sunday nights.